The one place that will hold our memories, experiences, thoughts, plans, reactions, fortunes and misfortunes...has been left sad and lonely for weeks. I intended to start this blog so I could remember this short and life-changing experience from beginning to end, and to stay connected with friends and family back home. Yet, as the weeks fall by, and important moments like our first Christmas, New Years Eve, and Three Kings drift further and further behind me... suddenly this blog is feeling more like a term paper I just don't want to start.
My blog entries were sparse when we first arrived because I was so overwhelmed with life I had no brain power or time to write at the end of the day when the kids were finally in bed. Now I am faced with a whole new roadblock -- peace and normalcy have resumed, but (my perception of) the magnitude of our experiences, both sensory and emotional, have been such that it is intimidating for me to attempt to capture it in writing. If I can't capture what we are seeing and feeling in exactly the right way, or invoke the same feelings in print as it was experienced, then what's the point, really. I write. I re-read. I revise. I edit, and write some more. It doesn't feel right unless it looks the way I envisioned it would look when I set out writing. I am a perfectionist with no patience. And so... I watch Top Chef.
This all ends here.
In the week ahead, I have some catching up to do, but my hope is that eventually this blog will become more of a weekly journal into our journey here, rather than random chapters of a book.
Here's hoping anyway.
In the spirit of a more "in the moment" attitude, here are some pictures from today. Rocking the new watercolor set from Christmas, and new smocks!
I don't know why I bother giving them paper...really, they just want to paint their faces.
See you in a few days.
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