This entry might not contain any complete sentences or thoughts, as we're leaving the island of Take It In Stride and wading into the Sea of Depletion over here...but in an effort to remember and document, I'm just going to get my thoughts out of this fried head and onto the blog. Here it goes, in no particular order.
I'm excited. About so much. Seeing my family for the first time in almost a year, growing some roots again, buying a milk container that is bigger than one liter...There's a lot to feel good about right now, and I suppose I'll get to that when I'm able to gather my thoughts a little better. The big picture is coming into view, but isn't quite in focus yet.
For now, I've just been trying to stay somewhat zen about this move...We've had some great times recently, bittersweet moments with friends as we wrap our head around having to say goodbye to the people we've come to regard as family here. I believe after a little too much Malbec one night, there was a very mature, adult conversation that went a little something like this:
"Um, do you guys want to be friends forever?"
"Yes! Do you guys?"
"OK. Glad that's settled."
But the past couple weeks it seems as if Spain is trying to get in some last minute here's-some-lemons-now-go-make-lemonade learning opportunities. Sort of like a final exam. For starters...
1. About four weeks ago the pipes in the ceiling above the living room/dining room/playroom/kitchen burst, and flooded the whole downstairs leaving us with no water for two days and men banging holes through what I'm sure is 100 years of plaster, paint, and stone to get to the pipes that appear to be embedded in cement. Pipes fixed, hole left in ceiling until we move out. Note: words you never want to hear your kids say while you are upstairs "Something bad is happening down here!!!" Bonus: water was running down the stone wall and almost looked like one of the zen garden rock walls you can plug in and watch the waterfall. Almost.
Our new ceiling art |
2. Two days ago the pipes started leaking again while I was giving the kids a bath. I come downstairs to see water pouring out of the gaping hole in the ceiling onto the mattress we were using as a couch. More men. More repairs. Mattress to the dumpster. Onto the back up blow up bed (thanks Chris and Elaine!)
3. Today, Mia runs across the room, flops down onto the new air mattress couch, which was apparently blown up a bit to she is then immediately catapulted up off the mattress and into the rock wall. Head gushes with blood. Chris gets called out of work by me for the second time this week to come take Mia to the ER. Bonus: no stitches necessary.
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Brave Mia at the Children's Hospital this afternoon |
4. We got nothin' left here. Aside from some watercolors and markers, the kids are playing with muffin tins, sticks, turned over step stools and brooms, you name it. Our shower floor is covered in balloons, rocks, and Tupperware they have decided to use as bath toys. Bonus: I give them an A+ for creativity, and their toys are going to be all new and wonderful to them when they are reunited in less than two their very own TOYROOM! Also, I would like to personally shake the hand of the creator of Frozen which has been our go-to solution for those "Lord give me strength" moments this month. I may actually like this movie more than my kids.
5. Jordi is practically a man. One week shy of his 7 month birthday. Two spanking new teeth, a killer death grip on just about anything that is within reach, and some new found core strength has earned him a place at the dining table! Mia is beside herself, and practically sits in his lap at meals now trying to direct every bite of food, and smothering him with head rubs and high pitched encouragement. He's made it quite clear he isn't into spoon feeds, so big boy is going to jump ahead to the serve yourself portion of the program, which is just fine with me!
This picture cracks me up...very 'Single White Female' |
Fork lessons |
Still having moments of sadness....especially looking back at pictures of our travels. I think I will miss that the most. Another time...
Running out of steam here...still to come:
Next week is our last full week here We say goodbye to Molly next Friday as she flies out before us and will be having her usual post-travel vacation pitstop at Granddad and Meemah's house on Cape Cod. The kids saying goodbye to their teachers and school friends...It's a busy week ahead as we finish the home repairs, clean out the apartment, close accounts, and gather last minute paperwork.
The Crew |
Big boy on his way to school in the morning |
Sort of feels like we are bracing for impact. Things are challenging right now, and we know it will only get harder before it gets easier, but this time we know what to expect. For now, I'm calling it a night. Happy Easter, everyone!
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