Sunday, March 24, 2013

Smile Worthy Moments

Things I'm loving in Barcelona this week...

Old folks playing Pétanque (what I thought was Bocce)

While my mother was visiting last summer, she remarked on how many older men and women were out and about in our neighborhood. Dressed to the nines, grocery cart squeaking along in front of them, the grandmas and the grandpas don't collect dust around here.  They have a shockingly active social life. Perhaps it is the close proximity to one another, and how closely integrated families seem to be here. Or maybe they just don't want to miss all the fun. Whatever it is, I notice old people seem pretty involved in the community. Specifically, there is a group of old men playing pétanque in the park that, for some reason, makes my heart smile every time I see them. Huge packs of men, in their 60's, 70's, 80's, and maybe even 90's gathered around like school boys playing ball together, religiously, every morning. What a great morning. What a great life. They have each other, they have a sport, they have an organic way to connect that does involve an expensive retirement home or a fancy country club membership. They aren't stuck at home, or at the mercy of someone to drive them or entertain them. They are out there enjoying their lives, and while they may be bickering in Catalan for all I can understand, they seem happy. That makes me happy to see.  I haven't yet been able to remember to bring my camera to catch them in action (and worry a bit about looking like a weirdo taking their picture while they play), but hope to do this during the coming week and will edit to add a photo if I get it. 

Homemade French Desserts...and Boqueria Domination

Some wonderful friends of ours came over for dinner Friday, which was certainly one of the highlights of the week.  And in preparation for our dinner this night, I had a little beef tenderloin adventure that actually had a happy ending.  Finding good quality cuts of beef in Barcelona is no small feat.  There is enough pork and fish to feed three continents around here, but the beef...not so easy to find.  Deciphering the equivalent cuts you want in both Spanish and Catalan is near impossible, and then trying to determine if it is good quality/humanely raised/grass-fed...forget it.  This week I decided to run with the heavy hitters at La Boqueria -- one of the biggest and perhaps one of the most famous fresh markets in Europe --  and actually came home victorious.  This may not seem like a big deal, but this place is like the New York Stock Exchange for a foreign language.  I practically skipped out of there, loin in hand, having a "F-yeah I got this" moment.  I love those.

And God bless the lovely Delphine and her amazing French abilities in the kitchen...arriving at our home with a homemade lemon meringue pie that would have brought my mother to tears.  C'était parfait.  The whole night was, actually.  When you get an Italian man and a French woman who speak Spanish to each other in the home of two English-speaking Americans, there is entertainment just in the way we all communicate with each other.  Love these two. 


Super Hero Capes

Super Evan
Evan has started going to a little drop-off playgroup of about 8 children ages 3-6 in El Born -- one of the neighborhoods downtown Barcelona.  They meet two mornings a week from 10-1, and they are a mix of Spanish and English speakers so they hold the group in both languages.  The group is run by a fantastic young woman from South Africa who has an amazing way with children.  The kids have a blast together -- there is a little boy from the UK that Evan especially loves, who I think has reinforced Evan's new found British accent.  Very odd thing.  My child moved to Spain, hasn't started speaking Spanish yet but now has a British accent.  You do the math.  Anyway, Evan is loving it.  Obsessed with it, actually.  It is actually borderline embarrassing when your child starts yelling, "No!  No! Just a little longer!" the second he sees you coming to pick him up.  *Sigh*  Anyway, last week was super hero week.  Homemade magic capes, magic wands, masks...adorable.  He brought his cape home, and wore it around town all week. Oh, and the rando guy in the purple tights and green undies is apparently Super Bello Man, a local comedian/personality who came in to teach the kids how to use super powers to help people without using violence.  Also smile worthy.

Evan is sitting on the teacher's lap

2nd Trimester Baby Bumps

....and little baby flutters.  :)

And now, if you will excuse me, there is some leftover lemon meringue pie in the fridge that is calling my name.


judie williams said...

Just love these BLOGS....J

judie williams said...

Just love these BLOGS....J

Rin said...

YES!! a belly pic!! xoxo